Creating a unified HR system from scratch

Here's how Szczepan's team tackled the recruitment data chaos.

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The Challenge

Find a scalable solution that seamlessly integrates data from various job offer providers and fetched events, all within a single HR system. The goal was to create a future-proof system that could handle diverse recruitment flows from different companies, each with its unique processes and standards.


The Problem

Szczepan's team received a challenge that was one tough nut to crack - building a reporting and analytics part of the product from scratch. But how to do it when data historically was never properly stored nor prepared? On top of that, parts of the product were written in different languages and maintained by 4 different teams. And the analytics part stood right at the very end and required the data to be structured well to be properly analysed and reported back to the users.

Meet our Expert

Szczepan Cieślik, a devoted manager passionate about Asian cuisine and "nerding out," has been instrumental in the project's success. With a love for bacon sushi and a decade-long experience in the company, Szczepan's insights and expertise have been invaluable.
MacBook Air - 1

Our team faced the challenge of aligning diverse recruitment flows and standardising data from various sources. The technical challenge was significant, but it was more about creating a robust architecture that could handle the complexity of the task.

Head of Technology

The Journey

With the pressure to build a scalable solution from scratch, Szczepan explained the importance of using Python as the primary technology. "Python's versatility allowed us to create a system that can handle the complexity of the task while also being scalable for future needs," he said.

The team doubled in size, from 5 to 10, to bring the product back from the ashes and turn it into a reliable system. "The amount of data was not even the biggest issue here for us - it was the lack of standards, that could be felt at scale. We needed to build a system that could handle the diversity of data while also being scalable for future needs," said Szczepan.

The Outcome

The solution provided the client with a unified HR system that seamlessly integrates data from various job offer providers and fetched events. The system is now a reliable tool that can handle diverse recruitment flows from different companies, each with unique processes and standards.


In the challenging world of recruitment, where each company has its own unique flow and processes, building a unified HR system that can handle diverse data is crucial. Szczepan's team's dedication and expertise have proven that with the right approach, even the most chaotic data can be organized into a reliable system. The success of this project is a testament to their hard work, as the product was ultimately sold to a +10,000 size company during the pandemic, making it an even more impressive feat.

Ready to enhance your analytics?

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Written by: Natalia, on October 24, 2023